The following links can be used to access the required videos for your class.
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America in a Different Mirror: A Comparative Approach to History (49:00) by R. Takaki
Anatomy of Prejudice: Jane Elliott's Seminar on Race (48:34)
Dysfunctional Societies: How Equality Makes Societies Stronger (41:00)
Edward Said On Orientalism (40:00)
Edward Said: The Myth of the 'Clash of Civilizations' (53:00)
Great Thinkers: Culture Wars (59:26)
How Racism Harms White Americans (45:00)
Inner Borderlines: Visions of America Through the Eyes of Alejandro Morales (01:13:09)
Living in the Hyphen: Cultural Identity in a Multiethnic Society (44:33)
Mestizo (SEGMENT) (01:41)
Prejudice and Discrimination: Cutting Edge Communication Comedy Series (10:00)
Race Is/Race Ain't (55:49) This film is no longer available from Films on Demand.
Tim Wise: On White Privilege (58:00)
TEDTalks: Stefan Wolff—The Path to Ending Ethnic Conflicts (17:30)
Welcome to Shelbyville (62:00)