The purpose of this guide is to support all students in the use of critical thinking skills in all of PVCC's disciplines. Explore each tab, located in the left-hand column, in three steps: watch the videos, read the recommended readings, then complete the assignment/exercise. Additional assignments/exercises are offered to strengthen your understanding of critical thinking concepts.
Taken from the Skills You Need website.
What is critical thinking, and why is it so important? This episode of the ( Critical Thinking Video Series explores critical thinking and how it leads to greater citizen involvement
Every day, a sea of decisions stretches before us, and it’s impossible to make a perfect choice every time. But there are many ways to improve our chances — and one particularly effective technique is critical thinking. Samantha Agoos describes a 5-step process that may help you with any number of problems. Lesson by Samantha Agoos, animation by Nick Hilditch. (4:29)
Whereas the majority of people brush off the benefits of critical thinking, smart individuals like yourself seek to improve. Not just as a one-off deal. Critical thinkers know they need to make sharpening their minds a marathon that lasts for life.
Critical thinking can improve your writing, help your study skills and get you better grades. But, what is it? Find out more about how this essential study skill can help you become a top-class distance learner in this episode of our Study Skills series – part of our 'Go The Distance' course, giving you the skills and knowledge you need to be a top-class distance learner! - BBC Learning English - Nov 22, 2017 (4:17)
Do you struggle with critical thinking? Have you ever been told you should make better decisions? If you are serious about advancing your career, you must elevate your skills. There are many forms of thinking. Knowing when to use and apply each type of thinking will help you to make good decisions when it comes to your career, business or life. Critical thinking is an essential part of your skills set if you want to advance your career in the workplace, especially if you're wanting to be in leadership or have an executive position. But is it just about honing your problem solving abilities? Dr. Grace Lee reveals 5 key skills that will allow you to develop the essential skill of critical thinking to make good decisions. Watch this video and learn how to apply them in situations at work. - Dr. Grace Lee (Nov 3, 2021)