Assessment Process Part 1:
Assessment Process Part 2:
Assessment Process Part 3:
Video GEA COM Sample and Pre/Post:
Completing Assessment Form Instructions
When we communicate the value of our general educational learning outcomes to students, we make those skills tangible to them. Our hope is that they can use this knowledge to demonstrate to prospective employers that they have internalized these skills.
As such, you may wish to add a statement to your course syllabus which emphasizes the learning outcomes that are core to your class. Of course, your participation is strictly voluntary.
Here are three sample syllabus statements which may serve as a template:
Example #1:
Assessment of Learning
Assessment at PVCC is an essential component of our commitment to being a learning-centered college. All areas of the college use assessment results to stimulate reflective thinking and conversation that contributes to the continuous improvement of learning.General education assessment involves the college-wide assessment of one of PVCC’s general education learning outcomes.
For more information about the assessment process at PVCC, visit​
Example #2:
General Education Skills
Assessment at PVCC is an essential component of our commitment to being a learning-centered college. Students have the opportunity to improve general education skills such as: Critical Reading, Critical Thinking, Diversity and Global Awareness, Information Literacy, Problem Solving, Oral Communication, Written Communication, Civic Engagement, and Technology. These skills are essential for personal, academic, and professional success. Students should be able to articulate and demonstrate the skills they possess/gain. To learn more -
Example #3:
An important part of the learning experience at PVCC is developing general education skills that are essential for personal, academic, and professional success.
This class will provide opportunities to further develop: __________________ (enter the learning outcomes that your class will address). PVCC encourages assessment in these areas to stimulate reflective thinking and growth. The ability to articulate the mastery of these learning outcomes is a highly marketable skill. To learn more