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CAP220 - The Counselor in a Multicultural Society

Current theories and research on culture, race and ethnicity, gender and other aspects of cultural diversity in a multicultural society through the lens of counseling. Focus on personal perspectives, will explore themes, theories, topics and research rela

Social Group Membership

A  social body or organization to which people belong as members, especially when they feel that the group has formally or informally accepted them into its ranks. Such groups, which include clubs, societies, cliques, teams, and political parties, often explicitly distinguish between individuals who belong to the group and those who do not. - APA Dictionary of Psychology
Majority Group
Majority group does not refer to a numerical majority. Majority group refers to the group that has power. Majority group is a more dominant group in any State or Situation. Many writers now suggest and use the terms subordinate group" and "dominant group rather than Minority Group" and majority group. Minority may include any group that is subnormal with respect to a dominant group in terms of social status, education, employment, wealth and political power. A majority-minority area or minority-majority area is a term used in the United States to refer to a jurisdiction in which one or more racial and/or ethnic minorities make up a majority of the local population. - Sociology Index
Minority Group

Minority group is group on the margins of social power, social status or the allocation of resources within the society. "Visible minority" refer to those racial or ethnic groups in a society which are marginal from the power and economic structure of society, not to those which are few in number. In South Africa, Blacks are the statistical majority but were for countless decades a social minority. Many writers suggest and use the terms subordinate group and dominant group rather than minority group and majority Group. - Sociology Index or Wikipedia definition.

IV. C - Intersectionality

IV. C1 - Evaluate how historical dimensions influence contemporary experiences of members of minority groups

IV. C2 - Evaluate how social dimensions influence contemporary experiences of members of minority groups

IV. C3 - Evaluate how political dimensions influence contemporary experiences of members of minority groups