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CAP220 - The Counselor in a Multicultural Society

Current theories and research on culture, race and ethnicity, gender and other aspects of cultural diversity in a multicultural society through the lens of counseling. Focus on personal perspectives, will explore themes, theories, topics and research rela

III. Power, Privilege, & Oppression

3. Analyze power, privilege, and oppression within interpersonal and societal contexts and norms and how they influence the counseling process. (I-VI)

III. Power, privilege, and oppression
   A. Definitions

  1. Counseling Process, The -
  2. Power -
  3. Privilege - What is privilege? 
  4. Oppression - 

   B. Values

   C. Biases

   D. Beliefs/Assumptions

   E. Power Structures and Systems
      1. Group membership advantages and disadvantages
      2. Access and control of resources
      3. Social justice and advocacy

III. Power, Privilege, and Oppression

III. A1 - Counseling Process,The

Defining the Counseling Process and Its Stages

"Counseling typically helps bring about change. The process begins with exploring the challenges a client faces before assisting them in resolving developmental and situational difficulties (Sajjad, 2017). The counselor supports clients with physical, emotional, and mental health issues, helping them resolve crises, reduce feelings of distress, and improve their sense of wellbeing (American Psychological Association, 2008). When successful, treatment can change how a client thinks, feels, and behaves regarding an upsetting experience or situation (Krishnan, n. d.)."

Defining the Counseling Process and Its Stages -  Jeremy Sutton


III. A2 - Power - Understanding the Dimensions of Power

III. A3 - Privilege - What is Privilege? 

Watch the YouTube video, What is privilege? Attend carefully to your emotional response to the separation of the participants along lines of privilege.

III. A4 - Oppression - What is Oppression?

Graduate School of Social Work - DU

III. B - Values

III.C - Biases

III. D. - Beliefs/Assumptions

III E. - Power Structures and Systems