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FON225 - Research in Complementary and Alternative Nutrition Therapies

Guide to finding credible sources in field of complementary and alternative medicine.

CDC Nutrition Data & Statistics

CDC Nutrition Data & Statistics

An interactive database provides national and state-level data about Americans' health status and behaviors as well as environmental or policy supports. Categories include breastfeeding, fruits and vegetables, physical activity, sugar drinks, television watching, and obesity/weight. Visitors can use the ‘view by’ option to examine data by demographics such as gender and race/ethnicity. The data come from multiple sources.


20 Nutrition Statistics for a Healthier Nation (2022)

20 Nutrition Statistics for a Healthier Nation (2022)

If we really are what we eat, then we’re neither good nor healthy. There are plenty of statistics about nutrition that coincide with the previous statement; the ones presented down below only giving a general picture of how things are thus far. After all, acknowledging that there is, in fact, a problem is the first step towards solving it, and this one is of grave importance to us all.