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SWU182 - A Social Services Perspective of Government

Government and the role of policy practice in advancing social and economic justice and effective social services within the Southwest.

Student Town Hall

PVCC Social Work Students are leading a Student Town Hall this Fall, as part of a new SWU course (SWU 182, A Social Services Perspective of Government). This is a wonderful way to practice ways of advancing social and economic justice.

DATE: Wednesday, Nov 22, 12-2, KSC 1000A

Students will work in groups to synthesize their learning about policies and its impact on who we serve, but also on being a changemaker, and applying the principles of social justice and civic action.

Some students will be reaching out as they will conduct a needs assessment by talking to students and gathering data about their needs (via walking around on campus, visiting your class, or asking you to share information in Canvas.

Others will oversee small group table talks between faculty and PVCC Administrators at the Town Hall.