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Resources designed to compliment the PVCC Anthropology Department and courses.

Information Evaluation

The CARBS OR DUPED checklist is a way to determine the credibility and reliabilty of the source you use for research.  Use the documents below to help determine:

C - Currency
A - Authority
R - Relevancy
B - Biased or Factual
S - Scholarly or Popular
D - Dated
U - Unambiguous
P - Purpose
E - Expertise
D - Determine

Information Evaluation

The DUPED checklist is a way to determine the credibility and reliabilty of the source you use for research.  Use the document below to help determine:

D - Dated
U - Unambiguous
P - Purpose
E - Expertise
D - Determine

Criteria for Evaluation


Evaluating information is most commonly referred to as critical thinking. You are thinking and analyzing the information you encounter to make certain decisions about what the information means, how it is useful to you, and if you can trust it. There are three main areas of evaluation of any resource. These three areas answer the basic questions of what, how, and why:

  • Content

  • Format

  • Appropriateness



  1. Does this resource contain the information that I need to support my argument? Do I need a resource that contains historical information or more current data-that will affect the accuracy of the content?

  2. Only you can tell if the resource contains the information you need-critical thinking!



  1. Is it in the correct format-do I need a book as opposed to an article or a website?

  2. How do I know when I need a particular format over another? Usually, if you need historical information you will need a book, if you need an analysis on a specific subject you will need an article and if you need additional information or a more general view, a website will work.



  1. Will this resource work for my argument and with all of the other resources that I am using

  2. Do all of the resources work together or do some contradict each other? Is that what I need?