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Resources for finding case law, statutes, news, and other legal information.

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Constitution of the United States

The Constitution created the three branches of federal government: judicial, legislative, and executive.

Judicial Branch: Federal Courts

Federal courts handle cases that involve U.S. law (The United States Code) and matters that involve more than one state. Some cases, such as Miranda v. Arizona, originate in state courts and are appealed to the federal courts.

The major federal courts for Arizona are listed below. For other court and case law resources, see the CASE LAW tab.

Legislative Branch: Congress

Executive Branch: The President and Executive Agencies

Regulations are rules that have legal force and are created by federal agencies to explain or interpret federal laws. For example, Congress passes laws that are collected in the U.S. Tax Code, and the Department of the Treasury creates regulations to provide instruction in carrying out those laws.

Federal agency websites can be found at The regulations created by federal agencies are published in Federal Register and codified in the Code of Federal Regulations.