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PSY266 - Abnormal Psychology - Sada
Module 7 - Somatoform Disorders and Dissociative Disorders
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PSY266 - Abnormal Psychology - Sada
Distinguishes between normal behavior and psychological disorders. Subjects may include stress disorders, problems with anxiety and depression, unusual and abnormal sexual behavior, schizophrenia and addictive behaviors.
Module 1 - Intro to Abnormal Psychology
Module 2 - Research and Mental Health
Module 3 - Critical and Creative Thinking toward Positive Social Change
Module 4 - Anxiety and Mood Disorders
Module 5 - Schizophrenia and Psychotic Disorders
Module 6 - Personality Disorders
Module 7 - Somatoform Disorders and Dissociative Disorders
Module 8 - Eating and Sleep Wake Disorders
Module 9 - Physical Disorders and Health Psychology
Module 10 - Addiction, Substance Related and Impulse Control Disorders
Module 11 - Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Module 12 - Neurocognitive Disorders
Module 13 - Key Treatments in Mental Health
Module 14 - Politics, Criminal Justice, & Public Policy
Module 15 - Positive Social Change & Mental Health
Module 16 - Synthesis of Learning
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Somatoform Disorders & Dissociative Disorders - Definitions
Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders - DSM-V
Somatoform Disorders - The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine
Dissociative Disorders - DSM-V
Dissociative Disorders - The Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health: Infancy through Adolescence
Dissociation and Dissociative Disorders - The Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology
Articles on Somatoform Disorders & Dissociative Disorders
Articles on Somatoform Disorders
Articles on Dissociative Disorders
Videos on Somatoform Disorders & Dissociative Disorders
Films on Demand - Somatoform Disorders - 3:37 min.
Films on Demand - Somatoform Disorders -10:18 min.
Films on Demand - Dissociative Changes and Somatoform Disorders 11:33 min.
Films on Demand - Dissociative Disorders - Neurotic, Stress-Related, and Somatoform Disorders - 45:00 min.
Films on Demand - When the Devil Knocks: Dissociative Identity Disorder - 43:19 min.
A New Body-Mind Approach
Jean Benjamin Stora
Call Number: eBook - Click on title!
ISBN: 9781782200987
Publication Date: 2015-07-14
Meaning-Full Disease
Brian Broom
Call Number: eBook - Click on title!
ISBN: 9781855754638
Publication Date: 2007-01-29
Living with the Reality of Dissociative Identity Disorder
Xenia Bowlby; Deborah Briggs (Editor)
Call Number: eBook - Click on title!
ISBN: 9781782201342
Publication Date: 2014-09-12
Module 6 - Personality Disorders
Module 8 - Eating and Sleep Wake Disorders >>