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SWU295 - Effective Helping in a Diverse World

Introduction to professional helper communication skills with respect to the cross-cultural practice and diversity issues, in a social work setting. General Education Designations: C, SB

Country & Culture Information

Use the following databases to locate information on a particular country or culture you are interested in.  Make sure to look for key information that you can use before interviewing someone from another country. See the examples presented on Hungary and the United States, below.

Info on Hungary

Info on the United States


Global Road Warrior Exercise

Go to the Global Road Warrior database and choose three of the following info links below and locate and answer the following information and/or questions:

  1. LOCATE Business Culture

    1. LOCATE and READ The Business Experience - What did you find interesting in this reading and answer why? 

    2. LOCATE and READ Businesswomen - What did you find interesting in this reading and answer why? 

  2. LOCATE Culture and Society and

    1. READ Greetings and Courtesies and write about one of them and how it is different from your country.

    2. READ Stereotypes and pick one stereotype and write about it.

  3. LOCATE Demographics – and Total Population and see the graph - United States Ranking Compared to All Countries – Which are the top 2 countries with the most population?

  4. LOCATE Education and choose Higher Education – Answer which Major University has the most students?

  1. LOCATE Food Culture and choose Classic Dishes, and pick one classic dish that interests you and answer why it does.

  2. LOCATE History and choose Famous People – SEE Inventors, Discoverers, & Explorers – And name one person who interests you and write why they interest you.

  3. LOCATE Life Stages and choose one of the life stages and write about how it is different from your country.

  1. LOCATE Music and choose Modern Forms and choose one Modern Form and write why you like it.

  2. LOCATE National Symbols and choose one national flower or bird and answer the question.

    1. LOCATE National Flower of your country and name it completely including the scientific name

    2. LOCATE National Bird of your country and name it completely including scientific name