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DAN101AE - Social Dance: Tango

Argentine Tango - Theory and practice of Tango at the beginning level. Development of movement quality and performance skills individually, with a partner or in a group setting. May include Argentine Tango, American Tango or International Style Tango.

The purpose of this guide is to support DAN101AE - Social Dance: Tango classes and tango afficionados.

Picture of six different tango styles movenments.

What is Tango?

History of Tango

History of Argentine Tango


How To



Practice Videos

Dance Argentine Tango - 26 Tango Moves / Figures

Published on Dec 14, 2015

26 TANGO FIGURES with descriptions and slow motion. Click times below to view now!
0:16 Tango Walk (Parallel System)
1:04 Tango Walk (Outside Partner right and left)
2:20 Tango Walk (Cross System right and left)
2:57 Box Step Basic with turning box step
3:48 Extended Box step
4:57 Rock Steps (variations)
6:03 Turns in place (rock steps, weight changes, side steps)
7:31 Rock step turn (right and left)
8:44 Salida aka THE CROSS ~ 8 Step Basic.
10:03 Salida in cross system
11:14 Traspie steps (dancing to Milonga)
12:03 Ocho Cortado (eight cut)
13:08 Back Ochos
14:12 Back Ochos to the Salida (cross system)
15:25 Media Luna and Molinete
16:34 Back ocho to sandwich (exit forward ocho)
17:38 Barrida (sweep/drag)
18:56 Sacadas (displacements)
19:47 Planeos
20:25 Ganchos (hook)
21:16 Boleo (whip)
22:04 Over-rotated Ochos (front)
22:41 Over-rotated Ochos (back)
23:14 Single Axis turn (variations)
24:17 Volcada (to pour into like water)
25:01 Volcada with boleo and leg wrap
25:49 Bonus Footage (fast forward)
26:13 Thank you to Ashker's Juice Bar

Tango classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced dancers in Buffalo see
Demo by: Argentine Tango Instructors Travis & Tiniko Widrick Travis Widrick Tango School of Buffalo, NY Widrick Tango School of Buffalo, NY   Entertainment License: Standard YouTube License. 
Music: "Al Compás del Corazón (feat. Orquesta de Pedro Laurenz)" by Alberto Podestá