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DAN101AE - Social Dance: Tango

Argentine Tango - Theory and practice of Tango at the beginning level. Development of movement quality and performance skills individually, with a partner or in a group setting. May include Argentine Tango, American Tango or International Style Tango.

Tango Websites

Dancing Milonga

Milonga La Cachivacheria, Tango Baile Social

This video belongs to the Video Library Safe of the Cultural Heritage Argentine Tango, it was supported by Buenos Aires City Government. The Argentine tango dance with tango music, has several styles, every one say how dance tango or how to do tango, how to tango: the canyengue style, salon tango or pista tango style, milonguero style, new tango and stage tango, they all have a couple dance, the hug and the feeling in common. It is sensual and sometimes sewy dance.