Tango Glossary - by David Bailey - Learning Tango
This glossary attempts to give a basic, simple guide to some common Tango terms. Terms are presented firstly in English, but with their Spanish equivalents also given.
26 TANGO FIGURES with descriptions and slow motion. Click times below to view now!
0:16 Tango Walk (Parallel System)
1:04 Tango Walk (Outside Partner right and left)
2:20 Tango Walk (Cross System right and left)
2:57 Box Step Basic with turning box step
3:48 Extended Box step
4:57 Rock Steps (variations)
6:03 Turns in place (rock steps, weight changes, side steps)
7:31 Rock step turn (right and left)
8:44 Salida aka THE CROSS ~ 8 Step Basic.
10:03 Salida in cross system
11:14 Traspie steps (dancing to Milonga)
12:03 Ocho Cortado (eight cut)
13:08 Back Ochos
14:12 Back Ochos to the Salida (cross system)
15:25 Media Luna and Molinete
16:34 Back ocho to sandwich (exit forward ocho)
17:38 Barrida (sweep/drag)
18:56 Sacadas (displacements)
19:47 Planeos
20:25 Ganchos (hook)
21:16 Boleo (whip)
22:04 Over-rotated Ochos (front)
22:41 Over-rotated Ochos (back)
23:14 Single Axis turn (variations)
24:17 Volcada (to pour into like water)
25:01 Volcada with boleo and leg wrap
25:49 Bonus Footage (fast forward)
26:13 Thank you to Ashker's Juice Bar
Tango classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced dancers in Buffalo see www.traviswidricktango.com
Demo by: Argentine Tango Instructors Travis & Tiniko Widrick Travis Widrick Tango School of Buffalo, NY Widrick Tango School of Buffalo, NY http://www.traviswidricktango.com Entertainment License: Standard YouTube License.
Music: "Al Compás del Corazón (feat. Orquesta de Pedro Laurenz)" by Alberto Podestá