Reference Solutions (Data Axle) - Was ReferenceUSAInformation available from this resource provides access to company name and phone number, address, key executives, SIC codes, employee size, sales volume, business expenditures, jobs and more.
How to Use ReferenceUSA to target a business video tutorial:
Using ReferenceUSA for a job search video tutorial:
ReferenceUSA is a robust database that offers something for everyone. It can be used as a simple online phone book to look up a neighbor’s address and phone number or to find an old friend who moved out of state. Use it to find places in the community such as schools, houses of worship, museums, libraries, doctors, and hospitals. It is very popular with job hunters, as they can harness the power of ReferenceUSA to build customized lists of prospective employers by location, industry, or company size and to find real-time job listings from Small businesses and entrepreneurs can create informed business plans with ReferenceUSA by using its sophisticated “mapping feature” to target the location and proximity of competitors. ReferenceUSA even allows you to search for minority businesses by gender or ethnicity, which is very important for our community.