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CIS103 - Introduction to Social Media

Identify and explain social media and Web 2.0 technologies for personal, academic, professional, and business applications. Create and maintain accounts on various sites to socialize, write, and share multimedia, while understanding the related ethics, pr

Can I Use that Picture

When Can I Use Images?

Different rules apply if you are using an image as part of a class assignment versus creating something you plan to publish.

  • For Class: make sure you cite any image you use (see the Citation Help Guide for format). Most of PVCC Library's databases provide citations incorrect format if you find the image in the database. Plagiarism and copyright infringement are not the same. Copyright infringement is illegal and has potential legal and monetary consequences; plagiarism in academic terms can result in academic consequences (failing grade, referral to administration, academic probation.)
  • For PublicationAssume all images you find online are copyrighted. Look for an explanation of how the image can be used. The safest designation is one that is in the "public domain." These are open for any use. Others may indicate you can use the image with proper attribution, which is the guideline for Creative Commons licenses. When in doubt, contact the creator and ask for permission or don't use it!

Locate Copyright-Free Images

Privacy and Copyright for Photographers