What is Intercultural Communication?
It "Is the interactive process of creating shared meanings between people from different cultures. This communication inevitably takes place in a cultural context, with significant psychological, relational, and physical influences".
Janet, Bennet M. "Intercultural Communication." Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education. Ed. James A. Banks. Vol. 2. Los Angeles: SAGE Reference, 2012. 1210-1212. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 16 Feb. 2016.
"Wherever you are traveling on a business trip, finding out more about the social conventions of a country or region is invaluable. Obvious differences in cultural style are easy to spot, but it's the more subtle distinctions that usually cause problems. For example, unintended rudeness or failure to observe little politeness can quickly make the negotiations competitive. There are a small number of general areas in which these subtleties usually occur, so observe these things carefully when you're in the country, and investigate them as much as you can beforehand".
"Negotiating with People from Other Cultures." Business: The Ultimate Resource. London: A&C Black, 2011. Credo Reference. Web. 17 Feb. 2016.
The PVCC Library subscribes to a variety of magazine/journal article databases on a wide variety of topics and are accessible on the library's web page. (NOTE: Remember to use keywords):
Global Road Warrior: Is the most comprehensive business travel, telecommunications and business culture online reference available in the world. The Global Road Warrior covers 175 countries.
GALE IN CONTEXT: Global Issues: Offers global perspectives on issues of international importance and current world events and topics in the news related to these issues.Ethnic NewsWatch