Current Classes Offered In Entrepreneurship & Business
EPS150 - Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Overview of entrepreneurship. Includes the entrepreneurial process and the skills required to be successful, including starting, planning, financing, marketing, and managing a business. Prerequisites: None.
Development of a feasibility approach to strategic decision making concerning new venture start-up. Includes development of a business feasibility study and a preliminary business plan. Prerequisites: None.
MGT253 - Owning and Operating a Small Business
Starting, organizing, and operating a small business, including location, finance management processes, advertisement and promotion, credit, inventory control and ethics. Prerequisites: None.
MKT271 - Principles of Marketing
Learn how to research and analyze the marketing process and environment with regard to the product, pricing, distribution, and communication in order to satisfy buyer needs.
Welcome to the Entrepreneurship Resources Guide. This guide is designed for use by PVCC students and community-based/affiliated entrepreneurs to help them in their entrepreneurial and educational endeavors.
What is Entrepreneurship?
Entrepreneurship is the vocation of an entrepreneur, or someone who assumes the risk and management of a business or enterprise. Entrepreneurship is valued in American culture and has therefore come to be applied to all manner of business activities, including situations in large corporations where the managers are not genuinely at risk but develop new ideas within an existing framework.
"Entrepreneurship." Encyclopedia of Small Business. Ed. Viirgil L. Burton. Vol. 1, 5th ed. Detroit: Gale, 2017. p. 439.. Gale Ebooks. Web. 20 Jan. 2021.
If you are not affiliated with Paradise Valley Community College (as faculty, staff, or student), you will have to come to the Entrepreneurship Education Center or the Buxton Library in order to access most of the electronic resources.
Community members who are Arizona residents and over 18 years of age can obtain a community borrower card for use of the library and all of its' resources at the PVCC Welcome Center to check-out print/media materials and access the Internet. The process on how to obtain a Community Borrower ID card is listed below.