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MKT271 - Principles of Marketing

Use this guide to help you get started on your Marketing 271 research on analyzing the marketing process and environment with regard to the product, pricing, distribution, and communication in order to satisfy buyer needs.

Please use this research guide to access database articles, research, surveys, and information on your business market research.

What is Market Research?

Market research is a tool used by businesses of all types to assist with decision making concerning such issues as product development, marketing campaigns, expansion efforts, pricing, and even overall strategy. -  Market Research - Gale Encyclopedia of E-Commerce 

Use OneSearch to search for library resources like articles, books, movies, and more!


Use Databases to Find Article Information on your Business

Specialized Business Information Databases

  • First Research - Offers customers more than 500 industry profiles, covering over 1,000 industry segments. Many of the profiles include in-depth international industry information, creating a comprehensive suite of continuously updated data to ensure content is both timely and top of mind. NOTE: The First Research user interface has changed and now you have to choose "Browse Report Categories" located above the search box  and then choose your affiliated industry to bring up those industries under the main header.
  • Arizona Republic: Complete full-text content of Arizona local and regional news, including community events, schools, politics, government policies, cultural activities, local companies, state industries, and people in the community.
  • Small Business Source: An excellent resource for small business owners, access to legal forms, sample business plans, state-specific demographic information, advice on managing employees, understanding legal issues, etc. Indexes magazines, journals, reference books, and videos. See tutorial - Getting Started with Small Business Reference Center
  • Reference Solutions - (Data Axle (Was ReferenceUSA) Small businesses and entrepreneurs can create informed business plans with ReferenceUSA by using its sophisticated “mapping feature” to target the location and proximity of competitors. ReferenceUSA even allows you to search for minority businesses by gender or ethnicity, which is very important for our community. See How to Use ReferenceUSA to target a business video tutorial:

General Business Information Databases

  • Business Source Premier: Full-text articles for more than 2000 business journals, as well as market research reports, industry reports, country reports, company profiles, and SWOT analysis. See the tutorial on how to use Business Source Premier.
    • Search on keywords like demographics and ____ (your topic)
    • Look at different publication types especially the Industry Profiles & SWOT Analysis

    • Company profiles tab at top of the screen. Use this to view full Datamonitor reports, which include SWOT analysis, 

    • top competitors, revenue analysis, etc.

  • Academic OneFile: Provides millions of peer-reviewed, full-text articles from journals and reference sources and has extensive coverage on the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences,  the arts, theology, literature, and other subjects. See the tutorial on Gale Academic OneFile.
  • Regional Business News:  This database, updated daily, provides comprehensive full-text coverage for regional business publications. It incorporates coverage of 75 business journals, newspapers, and newswires from all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States. Updated on a daily basis.
  • U.S. Major Dailies: U.S. Major Dailies provides access to the five most respected U.S. national and regional newspapers: The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and The Wall Street Journal. See the tutorial on How to search the US Major Dailies.

Business Plans Examples


Use the Business Plans Handbook to locate examples of actual business plans compiled by, and aimed at, entrepreneurs seeking funding for small businesses. Presents sample plans taken from businesses in the manufacturing, retail and service industries which serve as examples of how to approach, structure and compose business plans. (Click on book cover!)

Locate Industry & Market Reports

Locate Industry & Market Reports in Google

Please use the following searches to start your search on your industry, market, or product you are looking for, it is a great starting place for most entrepreneurs:

  • Industry, Market, or Product Name AND (outlook OR trends OR forecast OR potential)
  • Industry, Market. or Product Name AND (sales OR size OR growth)
  • Industry, Market. or Product Name AND (data OR statistics)
  • Industry, Market, or Product Name AND demographics

Simply cut and paste one of these searches into the search box in Google and replace the information in Italics with your Industry or product/service.

Industry, Market. or Product Name AND (data OR statistics)

Ayurveda AND (data OR statistics)


Find SWOT Examples

Use NAICS codes

Locate NAICS Business / Industry Codes

North American Industry Classification System - Introduction to NAICS

The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy. Please use these codes to locate your business and/or industry to obtain statistical or demographic information by using your library's business research databases.

Use First Research for Locating Industry Profiles

Videos on Market Research